7º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

Centro Universitário Positivo — Curitiba (PR)


Trabalhos aprovados para pôster

Ajustes de kerning na tipografia

Kerning settings in typography


Estudo sobre a forma de aplicação do kerning na tipografia da composição manual, monotipo, linotipo, fotocomposição e atualmente na tipografia digital. São consideradas as regras de espaçamento a serem seguidas, incluindo particularidades para maiúsculas e letras em grandes proporções, e as tabelas de kerning presentes nas fontes. Ressalta-se a utilidade do kerning e espaçamentos para atingir legibilidade, equilíbrio visual, valores tonais no texto e diferentes tipos de ritmo.
Palavras-chave:Kerning, tipografia, design gráfico


Research about the application of kerning in manual composition, monotype, linotype, photocomposition and currently in digital typography. Spacement rules are considered, including particularitities for capital letters and display types, and the tables of kerning available in fonts. It is emphasized the utility of kerning and spacement to reach legibility, visual balance, tonal values in text and different types of rhythm.
Keywords:Kerning, typography, graphic design

Referências bibliográficas

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  • Burke, C., Paul Renner: The art of typography, New York: Princetown Architectural Press, 1998.
  • Carter, R., Day, B., Meggs, P., Typographic Design: Form and communication, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2002
  • Clair, K., A Typographic Workbook: A primer to history, techniques and artistry, New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1999.
  • Craig, J., Bevington, W., Designing with type: a basic course in typography, New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1999.
  • Jury, D., About Face: Reviving the rules of typography, East Sussex: Rotovision, 2002.
  • Kvern, O., Tight but not touching, In: Upper & Lower Case 25 #4, New York: ITC Publishing, 1999.
  • Lupton, E., Thinking with type: a critical guide for designers, writers, editors & students, New York, Princetown Architectural Press: 2004.
  • McLean, R., The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography, London: Thames & Hudson, 1992.
  • Noordzij, G., Letterletter: An Inconsistent Collection of Tentative Theories That Do Not Claim Any Authority Other Than That of Common Sense. Vancouver: Hartley and Marks, 2000.
  • Peck, W., Great Web Typography, Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2003.
  • Ribeiro, M., Planejamento visual gráfico, Brasília: LGE Editora, 2003.
  • Rocha, C., Projeto Tipográfico: análise e produção de fontes digitais, São Paulo: Edições Rosari, 2002.
  • Routila, S., Form and counterform in graphic design:aphenomenological approach, In: “Issues confronting the post-european world”, Prague: The organization of phenomenologial organizations, 2002.
  • Ruder, E., Typography: a manual of design, Niederteufen: Arthur Niggli Ltd, 1977.
  • Warde, B., The Crystal Goblet, In: Sixteen Essays on Typography. Cleveland: World, 1956.
  • White, A., The elements of graphic design: space, unity, page architecture and type, New York: Allworth Press, 2002.