7º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

Centro Universitário Positivo — Curitiba (PR)


Design Gráfico

Jim Woodring e o surreal nos quadrinhos underground

Jim Woodring and the surreal in underground comics


Aqui é salientada a importância de Jim Woodring para os quadrinhos alternativos. Sua carreira é analisada desde a infância, onde podem ser percebidas as sementes que permitiram o surgimento de livros e personagens com características peculiares. Na série Frank, temos um predomínio de estórias sem diálogos, grandes painéis, detalhes minuciosos em nanquim e cores vivas. Em Jim, também são incluídas estórias autobiográficas com pesadelos registrados anteriormente pelo autor. A transposição e aceitação de seus personagens em softwares e na indústria de brinquedos mostram o valor de suas criações para o público.
Palavras-chave:Quadrinhos alternativos, Jim Woodring, Design Gráfico


In this work, the importance of Jim Woodring to the alternative comics is highlighted. His career is analyzed since his childhood, where we can perceive the seeds that allowed the emergence of books and characters with distinctive characteristics. In Frank series, there is a predominance of stories without dialogues, big panels, elaborated details in nankin and vivid colors. In Jim series, there are also autobiographical stories with nightmares registered by the author. The transposition and acceptance of his characters in software and toy industry shows the value of his creations to the audience.
Keywords:Underground Comics, Jim Woodring, Graphic Design

Referências bibliográficas

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  • Brownstein, C., Expo 2000, Bethesda: Spxpo, 2000.
  • Clawson, C., Luckett, R., MCSE Administering Exchange 2000 Server Study Guide, Berkeley: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
  • Crawford, P., Strangeco visits Jim's house to discuss Newts, Dorbels and the foul stink of a hodag, Disponível em: http://www.strangeco.com/Features/woodring.html?ifr=if1&ifrloc=woodring_text.htm, Acessado em: 3 de junho de 2005.
  • Gaiman, N. Introduction, In: Frank vol.1, Fantagraphics, 1997.
  • Gilovitch, P., Vogel, T., The Stranger Guide to Seattle, Seattle: Loaded for bear Publishing, 2001.
  • Groth, G., Jim Woodring interviewed by Gary Groth, The Comics Journal Special Edition - Summer 2002, Seatle: Fantagraphics Books, 2002.
  • Hackett, R., Underground comic artist Woodring uneasy with Frank Fame, Disponível em: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/ visualart/155658_woodring08.html, Acessado em: 2 de julho de 2005.
  • Harvey, R., The art of the comic book, Mississippi: University of Mississippi, 1996.
  • Joseph, J., The Underground guide to San Francisco, San Franciso, Manic D Press, 1995.
  • McCloud, S., Understanding Comics: The Invisible Artist, Northampton: Kitchen Silk Press, 1993.
  • Microsoft Corporation, InsideOut: Microsoft - in our own words, New York: Warner Books, 2000.
  • Reklaw, J., Dreamtoons, Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2000.
  • Saloon, Jim Woodring, master of Hallucination, Disponível em: http://homepage.mac.com/kennash/saloon/art/woodring.html, Acessado em: 5 de julho de 2005.
  • Tooner, J., Cartoons Forum, Jim Woodring interview, Disponível em: http://www.cartoonsforum.com/CartBar/Int02s.html, Acessado em: 3 de junho de 2005.
  • Vice, The Vice guide to sex, drug and rock and roll, New York, Vice Magazine, 2003.
  • Warnock, B., Top Shelf asks the big questions, Marietta: Top Shelf Productions, 2003.