6º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

Faap — São Paulo (SP)


Design do Produto

Desenho industrial e tecnologia apropriada: Unidade móvel de bombeamento movida a pedal

Industrial design and appropriate technology: Mobile pedal powered pumping unit.


O artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de uma unidade móvel de bombeamento, projetada pelo Grupo de Desenho Industrial e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – GDDS. A unidade será utilizada em Paus Brancos, no semi-árido nordestino brasileiro. Confeccionado em materiais acessíveis e baratos, é ideal para uso em irrigação e outras tarefas na agricultura de subsistência.
Palavras-chave:Desenho industrial e desenvolvimento, agricultura de subsistência, Nordeste do Brasil


This article describes the development of a mobile pumping unit, developed by the Design and Sustainable Development Group. To be used in Paus Brancos, semiarid area of the North-eastern Region of Brazil, it is made in cheap and accessible materials and ideal for use in irrigation and other subsistence agriculture tasks.
Keywords:Industrial design and development, family agriculture, Northeast Brazil

Referências bibliográficas

  • AMERICAN ARTIFACTS. Scientific Medical & Mechanical antiques. W.F. & John Barnes Patented Foot- Powered Machinery W.F. & John Barnes Co. 1885 Catalog. http://www.americanartifacts.com/smma/barnes/b3.htm. Acessado em 18/04/2004.
  • BONSIEPE, G. ''Developing Countries: Awareness of Design and the Peripheral Condition.'' History of Industrial Design. Electa. 1990. Volume 3, 1919-1990 The Dominion of Design. pp. 252-269.
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  • DUNN, P.D. Appropriate Technology: Technology with a Human Face. Macmillan Press. London. 1978.
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  • PAPANEK, V. Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change. Thames and Hudson. London. 1985 (reprint).
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  • SCHUMACHER, E.F. Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered. Abacus. London. 1986 (11th edit.).
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