4º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

Feevale — Novo Hamburgo (RS)


Metodologia de Projeto

Como atrair usuários de automóvel para o transporte público?

How can car users be attracted to public transport?


A pesquisa discute, a partir de análise histórica da supremacia do transporte individual sobre o coletivo, a importância dos aspectos utilitários e não utilitários relacionados à aquisição e uso do automóvel e sua influência na não utilização de transporte publico urbano, focada na utilização do ônibus.


automóvel, transporte público, ônibus


The research, based on utilitarian and non utilitarian aspects of car ownership, is about the injluence ofthe symbolic meanings o f cars in lhe decision o f not using public transport. This based on a historical analysis of the car supremacy of public transport, focused on buses.


car, public transport, bus

Referências bibliográficas

  • Balcombe et al, Bus competition in Great Britain since 1986: a national review. Transport Research Laboratory, report 353, departmente ofTransport, 1992. pp. 35-42
  • Blowers, A., We can 't go as we are- The social impact of trends in transportation. In Urban Transport, Institute of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Publishing, 1995. pp. 15-18
  • Carruthers, D. and Lawson, G., The contribution o f transpor! to the quality of life. ln Urban Transport, Institute of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Publishing, 1995 pp. 23-28
  • Fowler, S., A BE SEA a visual paper, issue F., 1992 Goodwin, P., Car Dependence. RACFoundation for motoring and the environment. ESCR Transport Studies Unit, Univcrsity ofOxford, 1995 pp. 54-65
  • Houghton, J., Transport and the environmentEighteenth rcport. Roya1 Commission on Environmcntal Pollution, 1994 pp. 12-14
  • lsaac, J ., Realising the bus 's role. In Urban Transport, Institutc of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Publishing, 1995 pp. 10- 12
  • Lagerstrom, G. and Malmquist, A, Advanced hybrid propultion system for Volvo ECT Technology Report, number 2, 1995 pp. 3- 4
  • Marsh, P. and CoUet, P., Driving passion, the psichology ofthe car, Jonathan Cape, London, 1986, pp. 35-45
  • Me Clintock., H., Radical solutions: "Carfree" cities. In Urban Transport, Institute of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Publishing, 1994, pp. 17-18
  • Page, R., Urban Transport of the future. Coventty University, 1995.
  • White, P., Potential outcomes of rail franchising. In Urban Transport, Institute of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Publishing, 1994, pp.42-45