3º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

PUC-RJ — Rio de Janeiro (RJ)


X. Design de Interfaces, Web Design

Designing hypermedia: teorias narrativas no contexto cognitivo



Referências bibliográficas

  • BAL, M. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory ofNarrative, (trans.) BOHEEMAN, C van, Univerity of Toronto Press, Toronto. 1985.

  • BARTHES, Roland. "Introduction to the Structural Analysis ofNarrative", in New Literary History, Vol. VI (2), Winter. pp. 237-272. 1979.

  • BERK, E. & DEVLIN, J. Hypertext I Hypermedia Handbook 1992.

  • CHATMAN, S. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structures in Fiction and Film, Comell University Press, New York. 1978.

  • DA VENPORT, G., SMITH, TA & PINCEVER, N "Cinernatic Prirnitives for Multirnedia" in IEEE Cornputer Graphics & Applications, p.67-74 July 1991.

  • DIJK, T. A. van. "Action, Action Developrnent and Narrative", in New Literary History, Vol5, pp.245-268. 1975.

  • HOGG Psychology and theVisual Arts, Penguirn Books, London 1969.

  • KOLB, D. A. Experlential Learning: Experience as the Source of Leaming and Development, Prentice-Hall, Eaglewood cliffs, New Jersey, 1976.

  • LANDOW, G. P. Hypertext: The Convergence ofContemporary Criticai Theory and Technology, John Hopkins University Press, 1992.

  • NEWLAND, P. Understanding Designer's Knowledge Acquisition Processes: A Potential for Enhancing lnformation Transfer, (PhD Thesis not published) Portsmouth Polytechnic, 1990.

  • PLOWMAN, L. Narrative, Interactivity and the Secret World of Multimedia, 1997.

  • POWELL, J. A. "Is architectural design a trivial pursuit?" in Design Studies, Vol. 8 No.4 October pp. 187-206, 1987.

  • PROPP, V. Morphology ofthe Folktale, (2 Ed. - 1968) (Trans.) SCOIT, L. University of Texas Press, Austin. 1928.

  • RICOEUR, P. Time and Narrative (trans.) McLAUGHLIN, K. &PELLAUER, D. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. 1984.

  • RHODES, P. J. Narrative Theory and its Role in the Transfer of Architectural lnformation using Video and Interactive Video, unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Portsmouth, 1993.

  • TOOLAN, M. J. Narrative: A Criticai Linguistic Introduction, Routledge, London. 1988.