3º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

PUC-RJ — Rio de Janeiro (RJ)



Design, Advanced Planning and Product Development


Economic change brings opportunity as well as failure. In today·s volatile world economy. traditional ways of doing business are becoming disastrously obsolete. Companies must offer better products now-and introduce them frequently to stay in business. Growing populations in developed and developing nations have greater expectations for themselves and their environment. and citizens everywhere are demanding more of private business. govemment and non-govemmental organizations. Fundamental to success in this fast-changing, market-driven world are better ways to find. organize and use the information criticai to advanced planning and design--of artifacts. systems, services and institutions.

Structured Planning is a computer-supponed set of tools for information-age design planning. For the development of new products, it helps planning teams to deal effectively with complexity and ambiguity and to explore projects in both breadth and depth at that time in the process when insight has the greatest impact. Its tools and procedures help planning teams to uncover user-centered needs. recognize insightful relationships, capture ideas as they develop, organize large amounts of information optimally for concept development. and develop solutions appropriate to the real (and natural) complexity of problems.


structured planning; product development: concept development: design methods; design planning; product planning; strategic planning; design technology

Referências bibliográficas

  • OWEN. Charles L. Context for CreativitY. Design Studies. 13. No. 3 (1992): 216-228.
  • OWEN. Charles L. Product lntegrity b'· Design. Design/Recherche No. 3 (February 1993): 5-10.
  • OWEN. Charles L. A Critica! Role for Design Technology. Design Managernent Journal. Keynote article. 3. No. 2 ( 1993): 10-18.
  • OWEN. Charles L. Design for Integrity. Chicago: Institute o f Design Comrnunications Center. Illinois Institute ofTechnology. 1993.
  • OWEN. Charles L. lnformation Processing and Design Planning. In Design in the Age of Information, 123-129. 1996 NSF Workshop: Design@2000. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University. 1997.
  • PENG. Chi-Kang. Metaplanning for Design Projects. Unpublished Master of Science in Design thesis, Chicago: Illinois Institute o f Technology. 1993.
  • WHITNEY. Patrick. Unpublished speech. Schaumburg, Illinois: Motorola Inc .. February I O. 1994.
  • YOUNG. David. "Breakthrough" Products, Services. Chicago Tribune. Business Section (February 17, 1997): 3: Cornpiled frorn: Cooper and Lybrand's Trendsetter Barometer.