2º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design

UEMG — Belo Horizonte (MG)


Design & Estratégia

Relação do design com o marketing e a engenharia como estratégia empresarial


Durante a gestão na etapa do desenvolvimento de um projeto, tem-se comprovado que podem estar implicados numerosos protagonistas. O designer não pode trabalhar só; ele é um dos especialistas da equipe devendo contribuir com a direção geral, marketing,, engenheiros, responsáveis da qualidade e ergonomistas, de acordo as dimensões da empresa ou a envergadura do tema.


design, marketing, engenharia


During the management phases in the development of a project, it has been verified that various actors can be involved. The Designer cannot work atone; he is one of the specialist in a team and might contribute to the top management, marketing, engineers, quality and human factors people and others, according to the enterprise 's dimension ar the importance of the subject.

Referências bibliográficas

  • CHANDRON, Rajan and Phatak, Arvind., Design Positioning for Strategic Advantage, Journal of Businnes Strategy, Fali, 1993, pp 25- 31.
  • CRA WFORD, C. Merle. New Products Management.: Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1994.
  • GORB, Peter., Design as a Corporate Weapon , Design Council, London, 1990, pp. 68 - 80.
  • HUST AND, P. Thomas., Design Innovation: Marketing contribution to innovation the concept of market-in Design. Boston: Design Management journal summer 1991. Vol. 2 N. 3, pp 56 - 59.
  • MURRIN, J. Thomas., Design for Manufacturing: An Imperative for U.S. Global Competitiveness, CA, 1994, pp 37- 41.
  • QUARANTE, Danielle. Diseno Industrial 1 - 2, Elementos introductorios, Ediciones CEAC, SA. Espai'ía, Barcelona, 1992.
  • SETH, R. Ellis. Towards the Design Era: The evolution of the Designer as Funtional Interface with Marketing and Engineering , Boston: Design Managementjournal summer 1994, pp. 31 -34. Lista de figuras
  • CARDACI, Kitty, Caid: A toolfor the Flexible Organization, Vol 3, Number 2, pag. 73, Boston, Design Management Journal 1992.
  • DUNAS, Angela and Mintzberg Henry, Managing the Form, Function and Fit of the Design, Vol 3, Number 3, pag 31, Boston, Design Management Journal, 1991.
  • GIARD, Jaques and Lee, George, Concurrent Product Development and Industrial Design Education: An Experiment, Vol. 5, num. 3, pag. 60, Boston, Design Managment Journal, 1994.
  • ZACCAI, Gianfranco, Design Teams, Traditional product development, Vol. 2, num. 2, pag. 45, Boston, Design Management Journal, 1991